Sunday, December 9, 2007

WWII-War on the Home Front

Katie Magee
Theme: World War II

Today’s Lesson: War on the Home Front

2. Materials/resources needed:
Posters from WWII- Print copies for classroom
Construction Paper
White Paper
Artifacts from Winona Historical Society-“Savings Bonds” poster, “Blackout Instructions”, and “War Loan” poster

3. Goal(s) for today’s lesson:
The students will learn about what life was like at home during WWII and how people supported the war from home. They will know what was going on at home socially and economically.

4. Objectives for today’s lesson:
The students will be able to recreate their own poster modeling one they would have seen around town if they lived during WWII.

5. Procedures
a. introductory experiences
Have posters from WWII out around the classroom for students to see as they walk into the classroom. Then ask students to walk around the room and look at each of the posters and find similarities and differences in them. Point out the artifacts from WHS. Explain that these are copies of things that were actually posted around Winona. Students should write down notes to help them remember the different posters. Write on the board that they should be looking for different phrases, how certain groups were treated, contributions people made…. 6-9 min

b. developmental experiences: (Please number the steps and include approximate time each step will take)

1. Put students into groups of 5, have them discuss what they see in the posters, how posters encouraged people at home to contribute to the war,
and why they think some of the posters were made. 5-8 min.

2. Bring class back together and have groups share what it is their groups discussed. Was there a particular poster that stuck out? Why? 5-8 min.

3. Guided discussion- How do the posters show/encourage social changes (women in the work place…), economic changes (rationing of food, more jobs b/c of supplies needed for the war….) Ask how their lives might have changed if they were alive during WWII, how would they have contributed to the war even if they were just one person here in Winona? 10-15 min.

4. Have students start on a poster they will create. Hand out guidelines for poster. The poster should resemble one they might have found here at home during the War. What they do not finish in class will be homework for tomorrow.

c. culminating experiences (closure)

Bring class back together and ask what they learned about WWII on the home front? What changes occurred at home?

6. Assessments used during lesson:
Groups work (walk around classroom and listen in on each groups conversations)
Classroom discussion
Posters students recreate that they would have found at home during WWII
WWII Poster Assignment

You should create a poster that you would see if you lived during WWII. Think about what kinds of things you saw on the posters in class. The poster should be on an 8 by 11 sheet of paper. Do not use your computer to make the poster. (They did not have computers in the 1940’s) Your poster can be in black and white or in color. You can not just use pencil though. You must use colored pencil, crayon, or marker. It is due tomorrow. Have fun and be creative!

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